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Get started

Get started with Klogging quickly here.

Add Klogging to your application

Gradle: in build.gradle.kts:

dependencies {

Maven: in pom.xml:


See Using snapshot builds below for using current, unreleased builds of Klogger.

Configure Klogging

To see logs in your console quickly, using the configuration DSL:

loggingConfiguration { DEFAULT_CONSOLE() }

Or place the file klogging.json in a directory on your application’s classpath to use JSON configuration:

"configName": "DEFAULT_CONSOLE"

Create a logger

To quickly create a Klogger instance to log from suspend functions, implement the Klogging interface that defines a logger property:

package com.example

class ThingDoer : Klogging {

Emit log events

In your class, emit logs using the logger property, in a similar way to many logging frameworks:

    suspend fun doThing() {"Doing the thing")
// Actually do the thing

You will see a log message on your console like this:

2021-08-10 22:29:30.300509 INFO [main] com.example.ThingDoer : Doing the thing

I didn’t see any logs!

If you try out Klogging in a simple command-line program you might not see all the log messages you expect to see. This example will not show the log message on the console:

suspend fun main() = coroutineScope {
loggingConfiguration { DEFAULT_CONSOLE() }
val logger = logger("main")"Hello, world!")

Klogging works asynchronously and the program completes before log events can be sent. In this case you can add a coroutine delay or thread sleep before the program completes, for example:

suspend fun main() = coroutineScope {
loggingConfiguration { DEFAULT_CONSOLE() }
val logger = logger("main")"Hello, world!")

Or you can specify that log events with severity above a certain level are sent directly instead of via coroutine channels:

suspend fun main() = coroutineScope {
loggingConfiguration {
val logger = logger("main")"Hello, world!")

See Direct logging for more information.


Klogging is designed primarily for long-running services and applications.

I don’t know a reliable way to trap application shutdown and ensure all logs are sent before shutdown proceeds. Let me know if you do.

Using snapshot builds

If you want to use the latest snapshot builds, specify these in your build.gradle.kts:

repositories {
// ...
maven {
url = uri("")

dependencies {
// ...