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Configuration DSL

Klogging has a configuration DSL that makes it easy to get started. Put the configuration to run as early as possible in your program.

A simple example

Here is a simple example:

loggingConfiguration {
sink("stdout", RENDER_SIMPLE, STDOUT)
sink("seq", seq("http://localhost:5341"))
logging {
fromMinLevel(Level.INFO) {

This configuration:

  • First declares a sink called stdout that renders each log event into a simple string format and sends it to the standard output stream. Sinks need to be configured first, before they can be used.

  • Next declares a logging configuration that applies to loggers with names starting with com.example. In this configuration, all log events at severity level INFO or greater are sent to the stdout sink.


The logging section must follow the sink declarations.

A more complex example

loggingConfiguration {
sink("stdout", RENDER_SIMPLE, STDOUT)
sink("stderr", RENDER_SIMPLE, STDERR)
sink("seq", seq(
url = "http://seq-server:5341",
apiKey = getenv("SEQ_API_KEY")
sink("auditing", splunkHec(
hecUrl = "https://splunk-server:8088",
hecToken = getenv("AUDIT_HEC_TOKEN")!!
logging {
atLevel(Level.INFO) {
fromMinLevel(Level.WARN) {
logging {
fromMinLevel(Level.DEBUG) { toSink("seq") }
logging {

This example has four sinks:

  • stdout to the standard output stream;
  • stderr to the standard error stream;
  • seq to a Seq log aggregator server; and
  • auditing to a Splunk server.

Three logging configurations, which together mean:

  • Loggers with names starting with com.example dispatch their log events:

    • all at level INFO or greater to sink seq;
    • at level INFO also to sink stdout; and
    • any at level WARN or greater to sink stderr.
  • Logger com.example.service.FancyService also dispatches log events with level DEBUG to sink seq.

  • Loggers with names starting with audit dispatch all log events to sink auditing.

This configuration also sets minimum logging levels for Klogging’s internal logger and for sending log events directly.

Short-circuit matching with stopOnMatch

You can reduce log volumes and create detailed logging configurations with short-circuit matching of loggers. The logger-matching functions take an optional stopOnMatch parameter that specifies whether to continue matching or to stop.

For example:

loggingConfiguration {
sink("stdout", RENDER_ANSI, STDOUT)
logging {
fromLoggerBase("", stopOnMatch = true)
fromMinLevel(Level.ERROR) {
logging {
fromMinLevel(Level.DEBUG) {

This configuration specifies:

  • Loggers with names starting with log from level ERROR.
  • All other loggers with names starting with com.example log from level DEBUG.

So logging is as follows:


The order of logging functions determines when matching stops.

DSL reference


This function creates a configuration for the running program. It makes sense to call this as early as possible in program startup. It uses specifications in the supplied lambda.

By default, the configuration replaces any existing one:

loggingConfiguration {
// ...

One scenario for appending a configuration is where the code defines a custom renderer or sender.

import com.example.customRenderer

loggingConfiguration(append = true) {
sink("custom", customRenderer, STDOUT)


This function configures a named sink with a renderer and a sender.

This example configures two sinks:

    sink("stdout", RENDER_SIMPLE, STDOUT)
url = "",
apiToken = getenv("SEQ_API_TOKEN")!!,
checkCertificate = false,
  • The stdout sink renders events with the built-in renderer RENDER_SIMPLE and dispatches them to the standard output using the built-in STDOUT dispatcher.
  • The seq sink uses the built-in seq function for rendering events in CLEF compact JSON format and dispatching them to a Seq server:
    • The server endpoint is
    • Get the API token from the running environment key SEQ_API_TOKEN (a secret that should be passed in via the execution environment)
    • Trust the TLS certificate used by the Seq server

Klogging also supports logging directly to a Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC), specified using the splunkHec function:

hecUrl = "https://splunk:8088",
hecToken = getenv("SPLUNK_HEC_TOKEN")!!,
source = "MyApplication",
checkCertificate = "true",
  • hecUrl specifies the URL of the Splunk server’s HEC endpoint. It uses HTTPS by default.
  • hecToken is the HEC token used by Splunk for these logging events. It is a secret that should be passed in via the execution environment.
  • index is the Splunk index for the events (optional). If set, it must be a value configured in Splunk. If not set, Splunk will use the default index configured for the HEC token.
  • sourceType is the Splunk sourcetype value (optional). If not set, Splunk will use httpevent or a value configured for the HEC token.
  • source is the Splunk source value, typically the name of an application (optional). If not set, Splunk will use a name configured with the HEC token.
  • checkCertificate indicates whether Klogging should check the TLS certificate used by the Splunk server (string: default "true").

You can create a custom renderer or sender and use it in a sink definition.


This function configures logging from specified loggers at specified levels to specified sinks. Your configuration must include at least one logging function for Klogging to emit any logs.

The following sections explain details.

fromLoggerBase, exactLogger and matchLogger

These functions specify how to match logger names. For example:

  • fromLoggerBase("com.example") matches all loggers with names that start with com.example, such as com.example.config.ConfigApp, etc.

  • exactLogger("") matches only the logger called No other logger with match.

  • matchLogger("Stage-[0-2]") uses a Kotlin regular expression pattern that matches loggers Stage-0, Stage-1 and Stage-2 but not Stage-3.

All three functions accept a boolean stopOnMatch argument with default value false.


These functions are optional: if logger names are not specified, all loggers will match. This configuration is the equivalent of the root logger in Log4j or Logback.


In the DSL, the last-used function replaces earlier ones.

fromMinlevel, toMaxLevel, atLevel and inLevelRange

These functions specify the levels at which to dispatch log events. For example:

  • fromMinLevel(Level.INFO) enables all events at INFO level and above (i.e. more severe: WARN, ERROR and FATAL) to be dispatched.

  • toMaxLevel(Level.INFO) enables all events up to INFO level and below (i.e. less severe: TRACE and DEBUG) to be dispatched.

  • atLevel(Level.WARN) enables only events at WARN level to be dispatched by matching loggers.

  • inLevelRange(Level.DEBUG, Level.WARN) enables all events in the range of levels from DEBUG to WARN, inclusive.

The functions accept a lambda to specify which sinks to dispatch to.


At least one of these functions must be specified or else Klogging will not emit any events for the specified loggers.


This function specifies the name of a sink to dispatch events to. It can be called mulitple times for a level specification. The sink must have been defined previously by name, otherwise a short warning is written to the console and the configuration is ignored.

An example:

    fromMinLevel(Level.INFO) {

During dispatching, an event is never dispatched to a sink more than once. Given this configuration:

    logging {
fromMinLevel(Level.INFO) {
fromMinLevel(Level.WARN) {

An event from logger com.example.nurdling.NurdleController at level WARN is dispatched to splunk only once. There is no need to disable additivity as in Log4J and Logback.


This function specifies the minimum level at which log events are sent direct to sinks instead of being sent asynchronously via coroutine channels.

If not specified, the level is that set by the value of environment variable KLOGGING_MIN_DIRECT_LOG_LEVEL, which will override the default value WARN.

See direct logging for details.


This function sets the minimum level used by the internal logger to decide whether to emit log messages.

If not specified, the level is that set by the value of environment variable KLOGGING_MIN_LOG_LEVEL, which will override the default value INFO.